Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's a little lonelier in the RD

Hoy es Jueves 14 de Agosto:
Sorry again that I haven't written in a couple weeks. There has been a lot going on with Hero Holiday, Josh and Ranita leaving, plus Kyle and I moving out of the apartment! Life is definitely different without everyone being around but I think Kyle and I have been doing alright.
We have for the most part been working with Momma D and P Daddy out in Nazaret, with school registration starting at the beginning of August, as well as the Monday, Tuesday Clinic Days they run! There is always something to be doing around here, except for today. Right now (ahora mismo) I am laying at Momma D's, bored out of my mind because I got sick from something yesterday and haven't been able to leave the house; and as most of you know, I am not very good at sitting still. But it has given me a chance to check my email...? Anyways, if anyone is still reading this please continue to pray that we will be following God's will and be involved in the right projects and have the energy for our last Hero Holiday team, which is returning again tomorrow for a 10 day Medical trip. Kyle is leaving me on the Saturday the 16th and then I will be flying out Saturday the 30th with P Daddy and his son Scott. I am so excited to see you all as much as I don't want to come home... But I shall talk to you again soon!
Love always, kike!


Nikki said...
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Nikki said...

I am still reading Krissie :) hehe. Miss you and the DR!!!