Thursday was my big 20th birthday and I would have to say it was pretty great! The day started by heading out to Nazaret to help get the clinic ready. We spent to whole morning
sanding the wooden doors so that they could get painted. Around lunch time we headed back to the apartmento where we got ready to make almost 300 sandwiches and hard boiled eggs. The other two "strays" that are here in the Dominican Republic decided to make "blessing bags" to handout at a village on Friday so we offered up the apartment to make everything. The afternoon was spent cutting salami, boiling eggs and running to the Supermarcado. Around supper time, as the two girls stayed at the apartment to finish the food and make bags of rice, we headed to a nearby town, Cabarete, for supper on the beach. A couple of our Dominican friends as well as two missionary families came with us to celebrate! It was so beautiful eating on the beach as the sun set!! It was pretty amazing! I even had
"Happy Birthday" sang to me in Spanish and English by three guys that seranade you as you eat. It was definatly a memorable way to spend my birthday! Even though I was the birthday girl Krissie got a pretty cool gift that night! According to our Dominican friends and the missionaries Joshua and I each have "spanish" names so Krissie was beginning to feel left out. Therefore when a bunch of us took a walk up the beach, the missionaries decided on a spanish name for Krissie. So on May 22, 2008 Krissie was renamed as Kikei (pronounced key-kay)!!!

Friday we woke up early to bring the blessing bags to the village. When we got there we finished making some of the bags, checked out some of the facilities at the village and then handed the bags out. We made over 100 bags, one bag for one house. We made soooo much but as we began to move down the streets we quickly realized that we would not have enough for every house. It was easy to see that they were desperate for the little bit of food that we had. We had people begging and yelling for us to come to their house. Krissie had an amazing experience when she
dropped off a special bag we had set aside for one of the families! When she handed them the bag the mom's face lit up and all the kids came around her and began to scream with excitement and they started to dance! Then as she was walking away she looked back and they all had a hand in the bag, their faces full of excitment as if they were pulling out the worlds greatest gift! On our way home we stopped by one of the worksites for this years Hero Holiday to check on the land clearing process. In the evening we stopped by Sosua by the Sea to visit our friends that work there. Tomorrow Christina, a bartender and the lady that brought us to her house last year, is coming over for supper. We're thinking spaghetti!!! Not really Dominican style but I'm sure she wouldn't mind not having rice, beans and chicken!!

Today was a full day of working at Nazaret. We smoothed out the cement walls of the clinic, then applied primer and then painted it! It took the whole day and we were lucky enough to have rice and chicken for lunch (Joshua had mashed potatos). YUM gotta love the DR! Once we arrived
back home we walked up the steps and I spotted a little bird caught by his wings in some string outside the door. So after we freaked out a bit we ran and got some sissors to cut him free. We were all excited when we cut the two strings but unfortuantly instead of flying he just tumbled three floors to the groud and appeared to be dead. So after we overcame the shock we decided to go jump in the pool. However on our way down we noticed the bird was now standing. So Krissie ran and got Joshua's work gloves and the sissors again. After a few unsuccessful attempts by Krissie to catch the bird we switched jobs. With some luck I finally caught him and Krissie cut him free from the string that was around his neck. We then layed him down and he wobbled under a bush. Earlier tonight Krissie saw him fly to another part of the garden so hopefully he is o.k.! lol That was our excitment for the evening. Later this evening we headed for supper at Sosua By The Sea. Some of the workers asked us to come there for supper, their treat! It was nice being back in the restaurant where we've spent so many meals in the past but kinda weird not having 100 other students around.

We just got back from the baseball diamond where we caught a couple innings after supper! From work to food to sports, today was a pretty Dominican day!
P.S. Feliz dia de la madre!! Tomorrow is Mother's Day here in the DR! Happy Mothers Day to all you mom's and moms-to-be!
1 comment:
Hey Rana! sounds like you are having an amazing time so far in the DR. I'd love the opportunity to do something like that in future. All the best to you!
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