Hoy es miercoles 28 de mayo
Domingo 25 de mayo was a special day in the Dominican… (Feliz dia de la madres) Sunday morning the three of us went to church with Donna and Phil and learned that we are God’s business cards and we need to represent him well. After church we went out for Chinese food in Cabarete, which was surprisingly good. Who knew a restaurant with English and German menus would make great Chinese… Only in the Dominican I guess.
At 3ish Rana y yo went to meet our friend Cristina from the hotel after she finished work, to come over for “lupper”. Josh made us spaghetti and meat sauce and we baked cookies and practiced our spanglish. Later on Cristina helped us take a publicar, getting the residential rate, to church in Charamicos to see Sariel y Sadrak. At the beginning of each service they always welcome new guests by making them stand up and shout out their name. Since we had been
there last week and two other times we hoped it wouldn’t happen again, but as we were sitting there not understanding anything I started to hear “Canada…blah blah…Canada” and everyone turned around. So of course we turned around too but all those people were staring at us. After a little while of sitting their completely red in the face someone in the crowd yelled “stand up” so we did but still didn’t know what they were saying (even though this had happened before). After a couple more minutes of embarrassment the service went on, and afterwards we were reunited with some other friends from la año passado (last year).
Lunes 26: Rana y yo went with Donna to Nazaret and did some finishing touches on the c
linic, so they could start bringing things in. We finished painting and furniture began to arrive. I also learned some more español with mi amigo and he brought me a picture he had drawn. Around 4:30 we saw hardcore rain clouds moving in over the mountains towards us so we knew it was gonna be a good one. When we got back we went swimming in the sweetest rainstorm with our neighbour and then he came up for supper (tomato soup and grilled cheese; very Dominican of us ahaha). Luego, Sadrak came over and we had a kitchen party (not like the ones in NFLD according to Rana).p.s mom and dad this was the first time it rained since being here so all that “rainy season will ruin your trip” nonsense was really nonsense!
Martes 27: After a yummy breakfast at the German bakery we went out to start moving medical supplies into the clinic. We sorted so much gauze and at least a billion bandaids and then started separating things like parasite and fungal shampoos into smaller containers. Then Rana y yo helped put together a nice desk for the doctors office without any instructions, just a picture of the finished product…fun times. Again that night our vecino (neighbour) came for dinner and stayed to teach us mas español.

Today we decided to fulfill one of our lifelong dreams: surfing! After what seemed like hours to Rana (Thanks to "Dominican Time") we finally made it to the surfing beach. We all had an AMAZING day! Each one of us got up and "rode a few waves"! However, the waves quickly reminded us of our poor arm strength! We look forward to seeing how our body works tomorrow when we get back to real work: getting the clinic up and running!
Domingo 25 de mayo was a special day in the Dominican… (Feliz dia de la madres) Sunday morning the three of us went to church with Donna and Phil and learned that we are God’s business cards and we need to represent him well. After church we went out for Chinese food in Cabarete, which was surprisingly good. Who knew a restaurant with English and German menus would make great Chinese… Only in the Dominican I guess.
At 3ish Rana y yo went to meet our friend Cristina from the hotel after she finished work, to come over for “lupper”. Josh made us spaghetti and meat sauce and we baked cookies and practiced our spanglish. Later on Cristina helped us take a publicar, getting the residential rate, to church in Charamicos to see Sariel y Sadrak. At the beginning of each service they always welcome new guests by making them stand up and shout out their name. Since we had been

Lunes 26: Rana y yo went with Donna to Nazaret and did some finishing touches on the c

Martes 27: After a yummy breakfast at the German bakery we went out to start moving medical supplies into the clinic. We sorted so much gauze and at least a billion bandaids and then started separating things like parasite and fungal shampoos into smaller containers. Then Rana y yo helped put together a nice desk for the doctors office without any instructions, just a picture of the finished product…fun times. Again that night our vecino (neighbour) came for dinner and stayed to teach us mas español.

Today we decided to fulfill one of our lifelong dreams: surfing! After what seemed like hours to Rana (Thanks to "Dominican Time") we finally made it to the surfing beach. We all had an AMAZING day! Each one of us got up and "rode a few waves"! However, the waves quickly reminded us of our poor arm strength! We look forward to seeing how our body works tomorrow when we get back to real work: getting the clinic up and running!